Permissions 1.11

Permissions is a content plug-in for the file manager Total Commander.


  1. Plugin description
  2. Field descriptions
  3. System requirements
  4. Use
  5. Version history
  6. Author contact
  7. License

1. Plugin description

Permissions can be used to find out if the current user is allowed to read, write or execute a certain file or directory.

Possible results are yes (permission granted), no (permission not granted) and n/a (not available, user is not allowed so read permissions). Please note that n/a doesn't mean a certain permission hasn't been granted it just means the user may not read the permissions.

2. Field descriptions

Read User is allowed to read the file or directory.
Write User is allowed to write the file or directory.
Execute User is allowed to execute the file or directory.

3. System requirements

You need Total Commander 6.50 or higher for this plugin. The plug-in has been tested only on Windows XP Pro SP2 so far. In any case you need a Windows NT based operations system.

4. Author contact

There is a thread in the Total Commander forum which can be used to discuss problems, bug and suggestions.

5. License and Liability

Any liability for damage of any sort is hereby denied. All rights reserved. This Total Commander plugin is copyrighted freeware.