History ------- Beta 1 (unknown) The most first version IEView ("Y. Gershanov"). Beta 2 (1.12.2002) - extensions are now case-insensitive - added protection against wrong file formats (like text files with .doc or .pdf extension) - displaying of directories is now optional Beta 3 (3.12.2002) - Extensions for directories are not checked now. - Fixed many issues mostly related to focus and hotkey handling. - Esc handling is fixed - Print, ProvFile, NextFile, Search hotkeys work now - Search (Ctrl-F) is now operational in the IE window as well - INI file: replaced ShowUpDir with IgnoreDirs (may be useful for future pugins that work with directories) Beta 4 (17.12.2002) - Fixed crash on exit under Win98/ME - Fixed some resource-related problems - Added control over what HTML elements IEView loads and displays - Added optional blocking of display of the .. directory 1.0 (22.08.2004) Last, final version ("Y. Gershanov"). (Author has stopped the most further work.) New history ----------- 1.1 (31.08.2004 ) First version new IEView ("Rk" under editing "Konstantin") (Thank you "Rk" and "Konstantin" for continuation of the work.) - corrected focus Acrobat Reader (not for all version completely correct). - not it is necessary to clique mouse for interception of the focus web-files (not always works). (Ctrl+Q - press Tab, F3 - automatically.) 1.2 (3.09.2004) - Is Corrected mistake of the interception of the focus. (Mistake is Added. When viewing directory (QuickView mode), cursor disappears from file panel.) 1.3 (9.09.2004) - Is Corrected error. When viewing directory (QuickView mode), cursor does not disappear from file panel. 1.4 (15.09.2004) - Is Corrected interception of the focus in Word,Excel. - Is Corrected loss of the focus in Word Splash. - Is Added interception of the focus when viewing directory (QuickView mode). - In ieview.ini is added adjusting the focus: Key FocusByWindowClass, Key UseMiddleWhenFocusByPoint, Section [WindowClasses]. 1.5 (18.09.2004) - Is Corrected loss of the focus when viewing directory and PDF. (The Incorrect interception of the focus Acrobat Reader 6.0 until it is corrected.) - Now on directory and HTML possible to move by means of Backspace, Z (back), X (onward). - Is Added determination of the file on type, rather then only on extension (only HTML). (In section [Signatures] ieview.ini is added key %=... He is used if filename does not correspond to the extensions in sections [Extentions]. For instance "index.xml.ru" or "index.php@id=dif&page=8".) 1.6 (19.09.2004) - Is Corrected focus when change the mode of the showing the file (if press '1 when viewing PDF). - Is Corrected focus in file, opened on [Signatures] %=... (determination file on type) - In ieview.ini is added key CaseInsensitiveSignatures and key ListerTitle (Style of IEView WindowText). 1.7 (22.09.2004) - bug with ListerTitle=1 fixed. (Note.: Works only with html files, since there is no concept 'Title' for arbitrary document.) - Hotkey added: Ctrl+L. - Section added [BlockFocus]. 1.8 (24.09.2004) - some more bugfixes connected with focus. - [Hotkeys] section renamed to [TranslationHotkeys]. - Section added: [IEViewHotkeys]. 1.9 (2.10.2004) - ListerTitle is string with specifiers %TITLE, %DRIVE, %DIR, %NAME, %EXT. - Focus processing method changed. - Values in [BlockFocus] section are set as "group=0/1", instead of "ext=count". - Added CHM files support. 1.91 (10.10.2004) - CHM support extended - Key added: [options] Silent - Fixed: Excel didn't finish correctly when viewing xls files - Fixed: Many IE windows opened, when viewing html file - Quick View title changes, when navigating html file or folder 1.91a (13.10.2004) - some bugfixes - Hotkeys added: Stop, Refresh 1.92 (29.11.2004) - Searching with F3/F7 in HTML files - [Signatures]->"%" key replaced with [DefaultSignatures] section and [options]->"CheckDefaultSignatures" key - bugfixes 1.93 (10.02.2005) - StatusBar - "RemoveImages", "CmdFind" hotkeys - bugfixes 1.94 (18.06.2005) - Keys removed: NoFocusChange, BlockParentDir - Keys added: [Extensions]->WordToHTML, [Extensions]->WordToMHT, [options]->StatusBarInQuickView, [options]->SavePositionOnExit, [options]->AllowPopups. - Hotkey added: SavePosition - Word files are opened read-only - bugfixes 1.94a (14.07.2005) - bugfixes - FocusByWindowClass and UseMiddleWhenFocusByPoint keys moved to the [Debug] section HTMLView -------- 1.0 (05.05.2006) - All non-html functionality removed - Toolbar - Keys added: [Hotkeys]->TypingTranslationHotkeys, [options]->UseDefaultBrowser, [options]->ShowToolbar 1.1 (08.05.2006) - [options]->UseDefaultBrowser key replaced with [options]->NewWindowHTML and [options]->NewWindowCHM - [options]->ShowDirs key restored - [options]->ShowToolbar key changed and StatusBarInQuickView replaced with ShowStatusbar - bugfix: toolbar images did not load when screen color depth is not 32bpp. 1.2 (15.07.2007) - ListLoadNext support - GlobalHook is disabled by default - [Extensions]->SignatureSkipSpaces key added - Hotkeys section: commands added - bugfix: focus loss when opening file - other bugfixes 1.2.2 (15.11.2007) - [Debug]->ToolbarBPP key added - Browser window is opened in separate thread 1.2.3 (07.02.2009) - Paste toolbar button removed - Fixed: module did not unload on cm_UnloadPlugins 1.2.4 (18.07.2009) - Unicode search 1.2.5 (09.01.2011) - Fixed: bug with search button in QuickView mode - Fixed: some files with unicode paths were not opened properly - Fixed: status bar was not visible when using the plugin with Universal Viewer - Don't show search and copy buttons when using the plugin with Universal Viewer - Search toolbar icon replaced - New hotkeys: CmdZoomIn, CmdZoomOut, CmdZoomDef 1.2.6 (18.12.2011) - Fixed: backward search did not work - [options]->HighlightAllMatches key added - x64 build