SWFView v 1.3.9 Lister plugin for Total Commander 5.51 or later for view Flash SWF files. *** Features *** - real crop (window background) color setting for Show All, No Scale and Fit Big Only modes; - can start in Show All, No Border, Exact Fit, No Scale or Fit Big Only modes; - full screen view; - only one Flash FSCommand processed - "quit". *** Keyboard shortcuts *** F - change fit mode; Space - hide/show play controls and status bar; Enter - play/pause; Alt+Enter/Middle mouse click - full screen on/off; L - Loop off/on; G - Go to frame dialog; Ctrl+Left/Ctrl+Right step frame back/forward; PgUp/PgDown & Ctrl+Up/Ctrl+Down skip 50 & 20 frames; ScrollLock - enable/disable mode "I Want Play with Flash!"; Q - change movie quality; Num+, Num-, Num* - zoom movie. *** Installing *** * TC 5.51 * 1. Unpack files from archive to the your plugins folder; 2. Select in TC menu Configuration - Options; 3. Open "Edit/View" page; 4. Press button "Configure internal viewer"; 5. Press button "LS-Plugins"; 6. Press button "Add" and select SWFView.wlx; 7. Press "OK". * TC 6.5 or later * This version of TC has "auto install plugin" feature. Just enter to archive with plugin and TC ask you about plugin installing. *** License agrement *** This software provided "AS-IS" without warranty of any kind for non-commercial use only. *** Changes history *** Ver 1.0: * initial release. Ver 1.1: * some bugs fixed; + new bugs added; * DetectString changed to 'MULTIMEDIA & ext="SWF"'; + put Flash.ocx to the plugin directory and if Flash not installed on your computer plugin try install it; + L button off/on loop; + option "Don't crop" for view all [objects] (non Stage) in Show All and No Scale modes; + option "I Want Play with Flash!" trap all keys excluding Escape (click on Flash first). Ver 1.2: * new bugs fixed; + newest bugs added; + compatible with SA Lister; * scripts not allowed by default and always disabled in QView (for processing "quit" command you need enable scripts first); + option "Allow Flash Script Access" enable/disable Flash scripts; + option "Track Frames Manually" for view current frame when slider is moved (right click in this case reset track bar position). Ver 1.2.1: * newest bugs fixed; + "Go to Frame" dialog (G button); * some internal changes. Ver 1.2.2: + new view mode "Fit Big Only"; + click on slider changes current movie position as video players do; + Ctrl+Left/Ctrl+Right step frame back/forward; + PgUp/PgDown & Ctrl+Up/Ctrl+Down skip 50 & 20 frames; * some internal changes and bug fixes. Ver * fix loop mode change by pressing "F" button; * load settings only when first start of plugin; * some internal changes. Ver 1.3: + play Flash projector (EXE) files; * DetectString changed to 'MULTIMEDIA & ext="SWF" | ext="EXE"'; + can run in fullscreen mode; + change view mode when go to fullscreen; + ScrollLock key - enable/disable mode "I Want Play with Flash!"; * some internal changes and bug fixes. Ver 1.3.1: + "Set Window Size To Movie Size" option; * some internal changes and bug fixes. Ver 1.3.2: * DetectString changed to 'MULTIMEDIA & ext="SWF" | (force & ext="EXE")'; + Medium quality; + button Q changes quality; + Copy Frame to Clipboard menu item; * some internal changes and bug fixes. Ver 1.3.3: * some fixes in "Set Window Size To Movie Size" option; - removed support of SA Lister, write InitOLE=1 to plugin ini file to enable SA Lister support back; + removed flickering in Quick view mode when cursor goes to next file (TC 7 and up); * some internal changes and bug fixes. Ver * fix crash if movie FrameRate=0; * some internal changes and bug fixes. Ver 1.3.4: * Flash movie time display fixed; + internal Flash zoom with hotkeys; + new option "Don't Crop on Zoom". Ver + Unicode version; + x64 version; * Thumnails show and extraction options; * if Flash ActiveX not installed then show message box. Ver 1.3.9: + Loop setup; + Quality setup; * changed Flash ActiveX detection. --- Suggestions, Wishes and bug reports are welcome! ProgMan13, (ProgMan13@mail.ru)